Photo Credit: Unknown

Photo Credit: Unknown

Empowerment and the iPod Generation

I was sitting in an old truck with my friend’s daughter. Old enough there was no power steering or locks and only one channel on the radio that we were lucky to get….

Photo Credit: Wisdom Nectar Tea

Photo Credit: Wisdom Nectar Tea

We were listening to “Another one bites the dust” by Queen on the radio.

At the end of the song a different song by a different artist comes on, the little girl looks at me confused and says, “Let’s listen to the Queen song again.”  I said, “this is the radio. We cannot change the song like that, we listen to whatever they play…”

She looked at me confused and insisted I could change the song.

I realized that she has never not been able to select a song if she wants to.  To her media is not a passive thing that you follow a station for.  She never had to wait to record it, or go through a group of songs to get the one song she wants.  To her media is interactive and empowering.  You choose what you want to listen to, when you want to listen to it.

I paused for a moment at what that can mean for a generation of people.

What if choice and expectation to be able to choice is paired with graciousness, respect and generosity?

The millennials have a strong advantage to be at the helm of a world they want to create. Rock on!